what is adoption counseling?

Also referred to as adoption therapy, adoption counseling is where a member or several members of the adoption triad works with a professional like a social worker, a licensed counselor or psychologist to discuss and heal from adoption-related issues. Not all adoptees or other members of the adoption triad will need or desire adoption therapy, but for those who do, it can be beneficial. Here are the five most common questions asked by adoptees who are considering seeking counseling for adopted adults:


All members of the adoption triad can receive adoption counseling. Birth family members, adoptive family members and adoptees of any age can receive adoption counseling together or separately. Anyone who is having trouble with a relationship in their adoption triad or who is struggling with difficult emotions as a result of adoption may choose to seek adoption counseling, just like anyone who is struggling with a relationship or with emotions would seek counseling from a non-adoption-specific counselor.


Adoption counseling isn’t right for everyone, nor does it “fix” a person or situation. However, many adult adoptees who work with adoption counselors may experience benefits like:

  • Increased confidence and self-esteem

  • Stronger and healthier relationships with family members (biological and/or adoptive)

  • A greater sense of peace toward adoption-centered traumas or loss

  • Addressing other possible mental health issues

The benefits of seeing a therapist or counselor who is well-versed in issues related to adoption are that they will be able to give you advice and actionable plans that are more specific to adoptees. They’ll already have a good understanding of how adoption works, and they’ll have experience with other adult adoptees who may have had similar experiences to your own.

In many other respects, the benefits of talking with a therapist who specializes in adoption are the same as talking with any therapist or counselor. You’ll be able to speak openly, be listened to, receive support and get advice.


If you’re experiencing any of these thoughts or emotions, it might be a good time to consider trying counseling for adopted adults:

  • Depression or anxiety that you feel might be related to trauma or loss experienced in your adoption journey.

  • Adoption-specific trauma beginning to affect your day-to-day life or relationships.

  • Considering beginning a search for birth family members.

  • Considering a reunion with birth family members.

  • Difficulties navigating relationships with birth family members.